Advokat/senior associate, Advokatfirman Fylgia 2023–
Advokat/senior associate, Andulf Advokat (2018–2023)
Tax lawyer/tax case litigator, KPMG (2014–2018)
Tax case drafting lawyer, The Administrative Court of Stockholm (2014)
Law clerk, The Administrative Court of Stockholm (2012–2014)
Law clerk at the disputes dept., The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (2012)
Thesis intern, Advokatfirman Glimstedt (2011)
LL.M., Stockholm University, 2012
MSc in Business Administration., School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, 2011
BSc in Business Administration., Stockholm University, 2011
Swedish, English
Mikael Ericson represents clients in general courts as well as in arbitration proceedings and in administrative courts. He has particular experience in representing commercial parties in administrative law cases, regarding issues such as permits, sanctions, tax and tax surcharges, etc.
“Mikael Ericson has a very strong ability to create and then explain legal products and as well as handle long-term case strategy. His communication skills are excellent.”
“Fylgia does an excellent job across the board. Their professionalism and know how, clear communication and the fact they stick to deadlines is invaluable.”
“An extremely dedicated team that works very thoroughly to find favourable solutions to clients’ challenges.”
PUBLICATIONS (in selection)
Presumtion vid registrering av legal ställföreträdare i mål om företrädaransvar, Skattenytt, Akademisk årsskrift 2019 (title translated roughly into English: Procedural presumption in cases on liability of representatives re tax-debts when the legal representative has been registered in the official records)
Skatteverkets kommunikationsskyldighet och begreppet “till nackdel”, Svensk skattetidning 2018:4 sida 249 (title translated roughly into English: The Swedish Tax Agency’s communication duty and the disadvantage concept)
Ersättning för kostnader i skattemål – en enkelbottnad, dubbelbottnad eller skönsmässig prövning?, Skattenytt 2017:12 sida 810 (title translated roughly into English: Compensation of expenses in tax cases – a single step, double step or discretionary assessment)
Skatteverkets bevisbörda avseende oriktig uppgift – det förlorade ledet? (medförfattare), Svensk skattetidning 2017:3 sida 142 (title translated roughly into English: The Tax Agency´s burden of proof re incorrect information – the missing link?)