Dispute Resolution

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Dispute Resolution

To be a party in a dispute in court or a tribunal can be an unpleasant experience for those involved.

Often, contacting a lawyer early in a dispute can lead to better results in making a claim on another party, or likewise defending against a claim from another party. Fylgia has a number of skillful and experienced litigation lawyers who are able to lead clients through the often lengthy and straining cases. The goal is to get the most commercially beneficial outcome for our clients, which can mean an out of court settlement, although cases often result in court or tribunal proceedings. Together with our clients we prepare a strategy for a successful outcome. Our lawyers have a great knowledge of many sectors and experience in various legal areas.

Administrative Law Litigation

Disputes between individuals and state authorities are becoming more and more common. If you appeal a decision from a...

state or municipal authority, the case is handled by the Administrative Court in the first instance. An administrative Court’s decision can be appealed to the Administrative Court of Appeal and, finally, to the Supreme Administrative Court for cases where a matter of precedence is importance.

We have a vast experience handling cases between individuals or companies and state bodies, in particular regarding tax, public procurement decisions, planning permission and permits.

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All of our lawyers take on cases which may result in court proceedings. We therefore have a vast experience to offer in...

all forms of litigation. Litigation requires knowledge and experience of the process itself, as well as expertise in different legal fields such as contact law.

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Arbitration cases usually have a shorter duration than cases in the normal courts. Arbitration courts and tribunals are...

not public which means the handling of cases is often swift, simple and with discretion as a key part of the resolution. Arbitration rulings are rarely appealed. Proceedings can follow arbitration law or any arbitration institute such as the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Institute or the ICC Court of Arbitration. It can be an expensive process, the loser must pay all the costs. We, at Fylgia, act for both parties in arbitration as well as act as arbitrators, and have a vast experience in both national and international cases.

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